About Us

Andariya is a bilingual digital cultural multimedia platform and cross-cultural enterprise serving the East and Horn of Africa regions and expanding into the continent. The platform covers grassroots issues, with a mix of positive & critical perspectives on gender, tech, arts, culture and more.<br> Since 2015, Andariya partnered with more than 50 institutions to create multimedia content, produce in-depth research, utilize data for storytelling, implement behavior change communication projects, strengthen journalism and civil society actors through training, coaching and mentorship & organize tens of cultural events.


To build multiple digital platforms of edutainment, technology, contemporary and gender issues for a broad audience of socially conscientious, tech savvy, information hungry, internationally exposed communities tuned in to affairs of the African continent from the inside and beyond through our expertise, integrity, grassroots coverage, creativity and innovation.


We strive to create pioneering, innovative, multi-faceted digital platforms and cross-cultural exchange projects to uplift and connect Africans across the continent & diaspora.